Hi, my name is
Your Next PL/B Programmer

I specialize in developing and maintaining apps for the DATABUS, PL/B, and DB/C communities. For over twenty-five years, I've been providing support, training, and programming services to clients across the globe. My goal is to grow and nurture the PL/B ecosystem however I can.
While I can still develop for the Datapoint 2200, I've dedicated myself to continually growing my skill set. I can take DATABUS code and plan a migration path to move it to the cloud, run on iPhones, or just about anything else you can imagine. Modern PL/B provides many options to leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) and work cooperatively with just about any system out there. I'll show you how.

23 Years

4 Continents

5 Million lines of Code

Just. Getting. Started.

23 Years

4 Continents

5 Million lines of Code

Just. Getting. Started.
I have logged hundreds of thousands of hours writing, debugging, compiling, and testing code. GUI code. Front-end web code. RMS code. Headless Unix code. You name it, I've probably coded it. Grain testing? Check. International Finance? Check. Logistics Management? Also check. Rocket science with NASA? Yep, done that too.
My team and I create beautiful applications running PL/B back-ends (and sometimes front-ends too!) I have a team of UX designers whose only job is to conjure up amazing looking interfaces. The only limit to how beautiful your PL/B applications can be is your imagination.

Some of the Things I Build
Android, iOS, and Windows apps (PL/B and native)
Websites, eCommerce sites, and back-end REST services
GUI applications (conversions from character-based and new development)
Systemaker® application development and support
Legacy analysis, maintenance, and support for DB/C, PL/B and DATABUS systems
Systemaker® application development and support
Legacy analysis, maintenance, and support for DB/C, PL/B and DATABUS systems
Here's a few images from some of my favorite projects.
All the programs you see are powered with PL/B.
Message me Anytime!
Let's have a chat. You don't need to be a client or have a job for me to do. All you need is an interest in PL/B. Let's swap stories, reminisce about conferences gone by, or just talk about fun stuff we're coding.
I can't wait to hear from you!